Woman dies after being attacked by swarm of bees in NE Cambodia

PHNOM PENH — A 49-year-old woman had died after being attacked by a swarm of bees in northeastern Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province, the National Police said on Friday.

The rare accident occurred on Wednesday afternoon in Pechreada district’s Pu Kreng village when the victim was lying in a hammock under an avocado tree.

“Experts inspected the victim’s face and body and found that the swarm of bees stung her 67 times,” the National Police said on its website.

The woman was soon taken to a local health center, but the doctor pronounced that she was dead from complications due to the bee stings before reaching the health center.

“Our experts concluded that the woman was killed by bee stings,” the National Police said.

According to the police, the swarm was likely a traveling one because there was no evidence of a bee colony in trees around the scene.