Türkiye announces its 10 happiest cities

ANKARA, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) — The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) released its happiness rankings for Türkiye’s cities on Monday, with Sinop in the Black Sea region topping the list at 77.66 percent among the country’s 81 major cities.

Sinop is followed by Afyonkarahisar of the western Aegean region, with a happiness rate of 76.43 percent, according to TurkStat.

Eastern Anatolia city Bayburt ranks third with 75.91 percent, while Kirikkale in central Anatolia comes in fourth with a happiness rate of 75.48 percent.

Kutahya city in the Aegean region has a happiness rate of 73.76 percent, while Cankiri in central Anatolia records a rate of 73.5 percent.

The Black Sea city Duzce shows a happiness rate of 72.77 percent, while Usak in the Aegean region follows closely with 72.34 percent.

Siirt, in southeastern Anatolia, reports a happiness rate of 71.65 percent, while Sirnak, also in the southeast, has a rate of 71.36 percent.

The data highlights the central Black Sea region as the happiest in Türkiye, with the Aegean region also showing high levels of happiness.

Both central and southeast Anatolia regions also display significant contentment.