More than 2,000 refugees, migrants die reaching Europe in 2024, says UN

ROME — More than 2,000 refugees died in 2024 while attempting to reach Europe, according to recent data from the United Nations and Italian sources.

At least 2,200 refugees and migrants were reported dead or missing in the Mediterranean Sea last year, the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Wednesday.

Regina De Dominicis, director of UNICEF’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, highlighted that many of the victims were young people. She urged governments to prioritize the protection of children seeking safety in Europe.

Earlier data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) showed 2,368 deaths or disappearances along Mediterranean and Northwest Africa maritime routes in 2024.

The UNHCR reported 193,448 arrivals in Europe by Dec. 29, with Italy emerging as the primary landing point for refugees and migrants. Greece and Spain followed closely behind.